Verina Consulting Group, LLC (VERINA) was been retained by a Nationally known Brownfield redevelopment and investment company to provide environmental consulting services at a former manufacturing facility located in Union, New Jersey. VERINA was retained to support building demolition activities and provide soil remediation services, including New Jersey Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) oversight services.
The past activities at the site have resulted in the identification of over 150 Areas of Concern (AOCs), needing a formal Remedial Action Outcome determination by the LSRP prior to property transfer and development. The project goal was made more challenging by the client objective of obtaining an unrestricted RAO (i.e., no deed notice or engineering controls) for soils at the site.
To achieve the project objective, VERINA implemented several rounds of additional investigations to determine the extent of soil impacts from VOCs, metals, PCBs and PAHs as well as to obtain site-specific geotechnical and soil characteristic data. Using the site specific information, VERINA used the SESOIL Model to develop site-specific impact to groundwater soil remediation standards (IGWSRS) for the areas that required soil remediation. This model simulation results and the developed site-specific IGWSRS significant reduced the extent of soil remediation areas and the costs for soil remediation.
Following the approval of the site-specific IGWSRS by New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP), VERINA provided oversight and confirmation sampling for the soil excavation work. Upon completion of the soil remediation activities, the unrestricted RAO was issued for the on-site soils at the site. Transfer of the property was completed in less than nine months from project initiation.